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Friday, September 24, 2010


Khalid Bin Walid the sword of Allah
Born and brought up in the holy city of Makkah in the Makhzum tribe, this outstanding soldier of Islam contributed exceptionally to the early spread of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula. His household had distinguished in military services generation after generation. Khalid bin Walid himself was very smart agile and a talented youth. He soon became one of the selected youngsters of the Quraish. He was honoured with the respected title of Saif Ullah the sword of Allah at the occasion of war of Mutah by the Holy Prophet ( PBUH) himself. Later he was mostly known by the title alone. He shattered Byzantine empire in particular and the Persian empire in general. The two giants of the time.

Blood, Birth and Complexion
Khalid was born in the Banu Makhzum  tribe of the Quraish. The Banu Makhzum tribe enjoyed special standing and respect among the Quraish. It was second important tribe after the Banu Hashim. In per-Islamic age, Makkah was inhabited by ten tranches of  the Quraish, namely, he Bani Umayya, the Bani Nawfal, the Banu Abdud-Dar the , Bani Asad, the Bani Tayyam, the Bani Makhzum, the Bani Adi, the Bani jamah and the Bani Sama. The responsibility of Providing horses and catering for martial camps was shouldered by the Bani Makhzum. Mukhzum in fact was the fifth grandfather of khalid after whom the tribe got its name.
He was born 31 years before the advent of the hijra calendar. His father, Abd Ushmas al Walid Makhzumi, was an affluent person who owned large expanse f orchards from Makkah to Taif. He used to fete the pilgrims on the eve of Hajj every year. His mother, lubaba, was the real sister of Hazrat Maimuna, the Holy spouse of Prophet Muhammad . Hazrat Muhammad was thus , his real uncle. No historian has provided description of his features. What we have known from a weak  tradition is that he was podgy and strong with wide and broad chest. His face was marked with the scars of smallpox.